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Comprehensive engine timing tool kit for the latest-generation Audi 2.9 and 3.0 litre petrol engines
Excellent light performance from this multi-function aluminium penlight
Replicate curved brake pipes on the vehicle with this pipe bender and clamp set
Need to make up a new section of brake pipe? Need to accurately mirror the original pipe’s bends and curves when making up the new pipe? Reach for this nifty brake pipe bender and clamp set from Laser Tools (part number... read more
Laser Tools Racing with MB Motorsport embark on 2023 BTCC title charge
MB Motorsport and BTCC front-runner Jake Hill are delighted to announce a striking new title partnership with premier automotive tools specialists, Laser Tools, that will see Laser Tools Racing with MB Motorsport take... read more
Heavy-duty HGV hub puller
Handy and functional multi-purpose sharpening tool
Super-grippy, rapid-adjustment water-pump pliers
Grip, grip, grip! These new rapid-adjustment water pump pliers from Laser Tools are designed to hold pipes, components and fixings with a tenacious grip that won’t let go! Three sizes are available: 180mm (part number... read more
Innovative 4-in-1 Wheel Nut Socket
Drop and hold lower suspension arms quickly and easily with this suspension arm lever hook
Suspension arm and hub work maintenance: when removing ball joints, control arms and suspension struts it’s always a struggle to hold the lower suspension arm out of the way — this new suspension arm lever-hook from... read more