6253 Diesel Camshaft/Head Rebuild Kit - VAG/Porsche

Tuesday 16 June 2015
Why do I need the 6253?: It is being reported that many of the current crop of modern diesels in the VAG ranges are suffering from premature or accelerated upper engine wear. This wear is being blamed on the miss-use of “long-Life” oils and “variable Time and Distance” service strategies. “Variable Time and Distance service” was and is only meant for the higher mileage, longer distance vehicle. A business user doing in excess of 20,000 miles per annum will normally be doing longer journeys where the engine and its oil get up to full working temperature and wear is at minimum. In contrast the Sub 10,000 miles a year vehicle may rarely get the engine up to full working temperature and this means the oil will not be at its optimum temperature either. A cold engine will generate more contaminates for the oil to contend with as well as more internal condensation. For these reasons such a vehicle should be on a 10,000 mile 12 month service strategy. Unfortunately “Variable Time and Distance” servicing is seen as the cheap option and many vehicles are being left on this strategy when it is not suitable for this type of use. The results can be: • Excessive cam shaft wear • Hydraulic follower failure • Valve guide issues • Camshaft rocker wear and failure All of the above require the camshafts to be removed and this where the Laser 6253 comes into its own. Equivalent to the OEM tooling required to dismantle and rebuild the top end of the current generation of CRD engines in the VAG ranges. The 6253 is specifically designed to allow the camshafts to be refitted into the cylinder head in their correct timed position. This is necessary because the cylinder heads are designed with a camshaft retaining frame that splits from the cylinder head along the centre line of the cam bearing caps. When refitting the existing or new camshafts they need to be assembled correctly in the retaining frame and then clamped in place while assembling to the cylinder head. The camshafts must be installed with the camshaft fitting jig. The kit comprises a jig, plus various camshaft support fixtures, locking devices and gear tooth alignment clamps.