Indispensable viscous fan wrenches for Land Rover

Friday 11 December 2015
Recognised as being one of the more frustrating jobs on certain Land Rover and Range Rover models is removing the viscous engine fan from the water pump, whether to replace the fan, or to gain access when replacing the water pump or coolant radiator. The problem is holding the fan pulley still while the securing nut is released; the access is very tight and there is the added danger of damaging the radiator core if care is not taken.

This set of three wrenches (part number 6124) is purpose-designed for the job, used in pairs, one to hold, one to undo, depending on the specific Land Rover application. A point to remember when using these wrenches is that some of the applications are left hand threaded and some are right hand.

Must-have tools for the technician regularly working on these models. Applications include the Discovery 3 and 4, new Range Rover and Range Rover Sport 4.2/4.4 petrol and 2.7 TDV6 models. Equivalent to OEM tools: 303-1142, 303-1143, 303-1167. For the earlier Discovery 1, 2 and TD5 engines see the Laser 5730 Viscous Fan Spanner set

Made in Sheffield by Laser Tools and available now from your local stockist.